Life @ Brighton – Xue Ning

Xue Ning, Assistant Teacher (Pre-Nursery)

Ms Xue Ning, an Assistant Teacher at Pre-Prep. She shares more about growing up in Malaysia, her special talent and her rewarding career as an educator. Find out what a typical day at Brighton College (Singapore) looks like for her, and her most memorable teacher moment!


Have you lived anywhere else in the world? 

Prior to living in Singapore, I lived in Malaysia for the past 34 years. Living in Malaysia was an incredible experience for me. The multi-cultural country has allowed me to meet people from all walks of life and embrace their unique cultures. What’s even more exciting was being able to indulge in various local delicacies that have left my taste buds really spoiled.


What does a typical day at Brighton College (Singapore) look like for you?  


As an assistant teacher, my day starts with preparing for the arrival of the children. I strive to create a fun and enriching learning environment that will make their day unforgettable. Throughout the day, I interact with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, exchanging teaching experiences and ideas to enhance my pedagogical methods. Together, we create a collaborative and inclusive teaching culture that is focused on providing the best possible education for our children.


Did you always want to be an educator?   

Yes! Being a part of children’s lives is truly a rewarding experience. Witnessing their important milestones is nothing short of amazing. It fills my heart with warmth to see these children growing up in an environment that is full of love and positivity, as they explore the world with confidence, curiosity and kindness.


Do you have a most memorable teacher moment?   

I have too many of such moments to count! One such instance was when I a super warm hug from a pupil who finally learnt how to use one rubber band to make two stars!


What’s your favourite weekend activity in Singapore?  

Cycling is my favourite activity. I love spending time with my family as bonding with my loved ones always brighten my weekends.


Fun facts/Special talent about yourself 

I have an extraordinary gene that has the power to effortlessly win over anyone who loves to take funny and silly group photos with me!


Published on 31 May 2023