Life @ Brighton – Peter Reed

Peter Reed, Year 6 Teacher

In this month’s Life @ Brighton, we sit with our Year 6 Teacher, Mr Peter Reed, as he shares about his passion for teaching, favourite weekend activity and his secret talent! Find out what his most memorable teacher moment is and what he thinks makes Brighton College (Singapore) special!


Which countries have you lived in before?

Apart from the UK and Singapore, I lived in America for a summer and Kuwait for five years.


What does a typical day at Brighton College (Singapore) look like for you? 

The day starts with Year 6 morning registration usually followed by an hour’s English lesson. I teach a range of curriculum subjects such as History, Geography, PSHE and Art. This year I am fortunate to teach all children in Years 3 to 6.


Did you always want to be a teacher?  

Yes, but only after I realised Spider-Man wasn’t a real job.


What are your most memorable teacher moments?

My two most memorable teacher moments would be:

Anytime when I have taught a class and everyone has been able to laugh in unison about a shared joke or funny moment – it really lifts the spirits.

On a summer residential with 100+ children; running, jumping, swinging and bouncing off large inflatables at a water park, under the warmth of the sun and a perfectly blue sky.


What makes Brighton College (Singapore) special?

Happy children, the fantastic staff and caring family environment… and the great coffee served at the Brighton Brew!


What’s your favourite weekend activity in Singapore?

Embarking on a culinary adventure at a new restaurant.


Fun facts/Special talent about yourself

I can paraglide and kitesurf (badly) and do a headstand on a paddle board in the sea.


Published on 28 April 2023